This page:
Archived notes:
Machines and IPs
Strontium/linux .45.99 ( ( - since 2021-12-03 IP = .45.15
win: .45.23 (
kavi: .45.190 (
comb: .45.15 (
N210 SDR: (
Sr+ experiment notes
- 88Sr+ Ion
- Zeeman shift
- Z1 5.6120442464394 Hz/nT (used in artiq from ROCIT campaign onwards)
- Z2 11.1885484963681 Hz/nT
- Z4 27.9891412391756 Hz/nT
- EQS-free self-comparison ADEV( 3*(C2-Cmean)-2*(C1-Cmean)-(C4-Cmean) ) / (sqrt(3)*sqrt(14) )
- Clock-transition and linewidth
- 2023-02-18 reduced sidebands, 89/91Hz peaks in clocklaser beatnote PSD identified as KSK302
- 2020-07-02 190ms probe, no metro, roughly fourier-limited carrier
- 2019-07-12 first measurement of clock-transition, no magnetic shields, 4 MHz span scanned
- Clockruns
- 2022-05-21 interleaved low/high-EQS clockrun, 100 ms probe
- ROCIT campaign 2022-03-04 to 2022-04-03, 80ms probe. initially 10 shots, then 30 shots
- 2021-12-16 Interleaved low/high-EQS clockrun. 120 ms probe.
- 2020-04-24: first clockrun ever! 2 ms probe, 2e-13/sqrt(tau) stability
- Repumper light-shift [C1 C2 C4]
- 2023-02-13: [-2279 -2385 -2010] Hz
- 2023-02-12: [-2138 -2432 -2372] Hz
- 2021-12-22: [-5740 -5170 -3360] Hz
- AOM chirp (initial shift at 674nm, measurements are double-pass through Zeeman AOM)
- Duty cycle scaling, shift is reduced by a factor (1 - tp/(tp+td)), typical values tp=100ms, td=45ms -> 0.31
- 2022-09-05: -243.855 mHz/W
- 2022-08-12: -222.132 mHz/W
- ROCIT campaign setting of 28 dB DDS attenuation corresponds to +17.9 dBm RF power (62 mW) at AOM
- 2022-04-28: -263.005 mHz/W
- Secular motion [X Y Z] Hz
- 2023-01-13: f_secular = [ 910600 958450 1962710 ]
- 2022-04-05: f_secular = [ 912640 959654 1957001 ]
- 2021-12-21 secular frequencies vs. changes in bias voltages
- Micromotion [ V12cm , V12diff, V34cm, V34diff ]
- 2023-02-24 [-6.47 0.2382 21.5617 67.1439]
- 2023-02-21 V = [-6.4700 0.2334 21.6523 66.9688 ]
- 2023-01-13: V = [-6.4700 0.2335 21.9985 65.7307 ]
- 2022-10-18: V = [-6.4700 0.2351 22.5187 63.2567 ]
- 2022-06-28: V = [-6.4700 0.2371 23.3268 60.4094 ]
- 2022-05-23: V = [-6.5000 0.2053 23.3445 59.4433 ]
- EMM-preserving voltage vector [1, 0, 1.3, 0] V (2022-05-19)
- 2022-04-19: V = [-6.5000 0.2479 23.7342 58.3074 ]
- 2022-04-08 V = [ -6.5, 0.2479, 23.968, 57.6641]
- 2022-03-17 V = [-6.5000 0.2244 23.9547 57.4316 ]
- Magnetic field coils, B = B0 + A*I
- 2023 currents for A-beam direction [I1, I2, I3] = [8.2497, 7.5667, -2.3043] mA with abs(B) = 4.8 uT
- Usual clockrun coil-currents: I1 = -0.0408, I2 = -11.4939, I3 = -0.7741
- 2022-05-21 AT-split search, Ay = 514.5 uT/ 1245.55 mA = 0.41307 uT/mA
- 2022-01-09: A = [ 0.2668 0.4134 0.2731 ] uT/mA, B0 = [ 1.222 0.1271 -0.2233 ] uT
- 2021-01-26: A = [ 0.2649 0.4196 0.2713 ] uT/mA, B0 = [ 1.1847 0.4244 -0.2796 ] uT
- Clock Laser
- 2023-01-31: power-shift at 674nm ca 27 Hz/uW relative to cavity output power. Output-photodiode response 0.5 uW/V (total output-power / photodiode volts)
- with power-servo locked, contribution from power-shift should be few. 1e-18 at 1s and drop at longer tau. insignificant wrt. thermal noise.
- 2022-11-11: FALC PDH errorsignal sensitivity 1103.8 Hz/V at 674nm (modulation to non-inverting falc-input), 921.3 Hz/V with higher optical power
- TEM0x mode-spacing 91.06 MHz, corresponding to R1=inf. R2=1.0247m mirror-radius (2021-11-18)
- FSR 501 304 785 Hz (L=0.29901216 m) (2021-11-08)
- Cavity mode used for clockruns, relative to SRS (mode number n_cav=887242 ?)
- 2023-02-26 -487 986 147.1 Hz (+15.9 mHz/s)
- 2023-02-25 -487 988 069.8 Hz
- 2020-04-24 -489 939 336.8 Hz
- 2022-11?: coolinglaser TPA broke??
- 2022-10-17: ion trapped again after summer break
- 2022-08-26..29: Menlo comb DDS measurements
- 2022-08-12: 2nd AOM-chirp measurement
- 2022-08-08: Zeeman AOM RF-power vs. optical power (new RCDAT programmable RF attenuator)
- 2022-06-30 AC magnetic field with Mahcheck sensor
- 2022-06-18: New OPA818-based PDH photodetector with lower (shot noise limited?) noise
- 2022-05-21: first search for Autler-Townes splitting
- 2022-05-03 Fiber noise and temperature shift estimate
- 2022-05-02: first AOM chirp measurement (measurements 2022-04-28/29)
- 2022-04-11 Low/High EQS interleaved clockrun
- 2022-03-04 (59642) to 2022-04-03 (59672) ROCIT-campaign
- 2022-03-14 Aircell cables for EOM-drive and PDH-detector
- 2022-02 issues with vibrations from -1floor AC-motors, and/or minus-K not floating...
- Coil-characterization, B = B0 + A I [uT]
- 2022-01-09: A = [ 0.2668 0.4134 0.2731 ] uT/mA, B0 = [ 1.222 0.1271 -0.2233 ] uT
- 2021-01-26: A = [ 0.2649 0.4196 0.2713 ] uT/mA, B0 = [ 1.1847 0.4244 -0.2796 ] uT
- 2021-12-22 Helres temperature coefficient, RF-rectifier vs. temperature
- 2021-12-21 secular frequencies vs. bias voltages - long series of measurements
- 2021-12-16: EQS vs. trap parameters clockrun
- 2021-12-02 Bartington B-measurements, trainspotting
- 2021-11-30 comb mode number, verification of 2021-10-28 results
- 2021-11-25 ion photos
- 2021-11-18 cavity mode frequencies, free-spectral-range, L = 0.299012 m (from FSR-measurement 501 304 785 Hz)
- 2021-10-28 comb mode number with new 250 Menlo comb
- 2021-10-09 new 250MHz Menlo comb
- 2021-05 strange double-peak secular resonances, due to image intensifier noise?
- 2021-04-30: trapping again after IR-camera BBR-characterization. New machined alu C-beam mount
- 2021-03-22 trap temperature rise with new Shapal heatsinkand new Cu-tube
- 2021-02-01 100ms ion spectra (large 50/100Hz sidebands)
- 2021-01-27 72ms ion spectra
- 2021-01-26 coil characterization
- 2021-01-25: first ions trapped after x-mas break. Intensifier+PCO needed for beam-alignment
- 2021-01-22: new mu-shields delivered. inner and mid-shields installed and fit ok
- 2021-01-13 heatsinking of helres
- 2020-12-28 experiments with heatsinking helres, to reduce thermal load going into trap
- 2020-12-03: Initial measurement of repumper-shift: -2600 (C1) to -2900 Hz (C4)
- 2020-11-18: New Ion page for clock-run data
- 2020-11-04: clock run with new HelRes (now 14.424 MHz) and new B-beam direction, but only 800us probe
- 2022-09-25 stability of secular frequencies over time (16 hours)
- 2020-09-24: Move 2019 results to index_2019
- 2020-09-24: Secular frequencies with tickler + photon-correlation
- 2020-09-23: new 14.404 MHz Magic-RF Helical-Resonator
- 2020-07-02: Fourier limited 4 Hz linewidth with 180ms probe-pulse. Night, no metro.
- 2020-06-17 magnetic field monitoring with Bartington B-meter
- 2020-06-11: Second clock run, OD2 with 4ms probe, only C1, C2 peaks.
- 2020-05-17: D5/2 lifetime, random-telegraph method with 405nm and fit
- 2020-04-24: First clock run! 2.5ms probe, stability 2e-13/sqrt(tau_s)
- 2020-04-01: trapping single ion again, after 405 laser broke, image-intensifier broke??
- 2020-01-31: Move comb-plots to comb
- 2020-01-15: For temperatures, see DAQ
- 2019-12-19: Micromotion map, 3D pictures
- 2019-11-29: Cavity mode number, Comb mode number. Cavity absolute frequency. (Note 100MHz Menlo comb)
- 2019-11-08: -C2 Zeeman component linewidth estimate of 800 Hz.
- 2019-11-05: Zeeman peaks with B-shield (1.6 uT estimate).
- 2019-11-04: Now with first B-shield. Laminated plywood + metglas.
- 2019-10-30 ion photo
- 2019-07-12: Zeeman peaks in ambient (66uT estimate) B-field.
- 2019-07-10: Initial clock-transition search...
- 2019-07-10: Page created.
- 2019-06-18: ion photo and secular frequencies