Maanantai 17-04-1989 04:17:37 MJD : 47633.6789 Kommentoinut : TaMa 2 The Russians decided to leave us yesterrday, 16.04.1989 and not a trace of them has been seen ever since. Torstai 20-04-1989 13:06:18 MJD : 47637.0460 Kommentoinut : TaMa 3 A hell of a lot of visitors at time laboratory from the Nordic Metrology Conference. Temperature and humidity quite wild. Perjantai 21-04-1989 13:37:52 MJD : 47638.0680 Kommentoinut : TaMa 9 we thereby declare the old ASA-tv obsolete and totally subbstitited by a hyperfine, delicate, daintily made japanese Yoko tv. Let not anybody evermore try to use that ancient ASA-tv for the holy purpose of maintaining Finnish time and frequency & accredited laboratories traceability. This memorable heroic act took place by Kalevi Kalliomaki at 21st of April 1989. Deputy tv discarder was T. Mansten. Otaniemi, 21st of April 1989 UT 13.40.