Keskiviikko 15-03-1989 10:49:37 MJD : 47600.9511 Kommentoinut : TaMa 2 Veli ven„l„inen se vaihtaa intervallia solkenaan ja min„ yrit„n pysy„ mukana. Perjantai 17-03-1989 14:43:05 MJD : 47603.1133 Kommentoinut : TaMa 6 A Kinemetrics/Hassales visit on 16-17.3.1989. We could use the device 1 day. The time difference between our time and that of GPS was surprisingly low (500 ns when our second was brought to GPS, 1200 ns in the other direction. We measured a separate file in 1 min intervals. A back-up copy was made of the file.