Autogenerated HDF5 fileformat description 2024-12-11T01:30:01.622628 files for MJD=60654 ├── /home/mikes/Code/comb_ftp/60600/60654_Eclockrun.hdf5 ├── /home/mikes/Code/comb_ftp/60600/60654_FXM50.hdf5 ├── /home/mikes/Code/comb_ftp/60600/60654_clockrun.hdf5 ├── /home/mikes/Code/comb_ftp/60600/60654_clockrun2.hdf5 ├── /home/mikes/Code/comb_ftp/60600/60654_fion.hdf5 ├── /home/mikes/Code/comb_ftp/60600/60654_fion_pp.hdf5 ├── /home/mikes/Code/comb_ftp/60600/60654_pmt.hdf5 ├── /home/mikes/Code/comb_ftp/60600/60654_pmtEO.hdf5 └── /home/mikes/Code/comb_ftp/60600/60654_sdr.hdf5 ---- 60654_Eclockrun.hdf5 ├── * created_on: 2024-12-11T01:10:23.565926 ├── * description: VTT MIKES Sr+ clock run data, interleved ExtraOrdinary clock ├── * first_datetime: 2024-12-10T00:00:04.420000+00:00 ├── * last_datetime: 2024-12-10T23:59:53.464000+00:00 ├── * num_rows: 42162 ├── /MJD [ days ] (42162,) │ └── * Modified Julian Date ├── /RID [ ] (42162,) │ └── * ARTIQ experiment run-ID ├── /f_aom [ MHz ] (42162,) │ └── * Frequency of double-pass Zeeman-AOM ├── /n_blu [ ] (42162,) │ └── * Quantum jumps on blue side of transition ├── /n_blu2 [ ] (42162,) │ └── * Quantum jumps on blue side, 2nd detection window ├── /n_red [ ] (42162,) │ └── * Quantum jumps on red side of transition ├── /n_red2 [ ] (42162,) │ └── * Quantum jumps on red side, 2nd detection window ├── /servo_I [ Hz ] (42162,) │ └── * servo 2nd order correction to double-pass Zeeman-AOM ├── /servo_P [ Hz ] (42162,) │ └── * servo correction to double-pass Zeeman-AOM ├── /servo_index [ ] (42162,) │ └── * clockrun servo-cycle index └── /zeeman_component [ ] (42162,) └── * Zeeman component index ---- 60654_FXM50.hdf5 ├── * created_on: 2024-12-11T01:10:45.954241 ├── * description: VTT MIKES Sr+ frequency counter data. FXM50 Pi-counter. ├── * first_datetime: 2024-12-10T00:00:00.639486+00:00 ├── * last_datetime: 2024-12-10T23:59:59.633034+00:00 ├── * num_rows: 86400 ├── /ch0 [ Hz ] (86400,) │ └── * fDMR, Comb downmixed repetition rate against AHM3 maser ├── /ch1 [ Hz ] (86400,) │ └── * fCEO, Comb carrier envelope offset frequency ├── /ch2 [ Hz ] (86400,) │ └── * fx1348, Beatnote for repetition rate lock ├── /ch3 [ Hz ] (86400,) │ └── * fx_ch3, Beatnote └── /mjd [ days ] (86400,) └── * Modified Julian Date ---- 60654_clockrun.hdf5 ├── * created_on: 2024-12-11T01:10:21.560134 ├── * description: VTT MIKES Sr+ clock run data ├── * first_datetime: 2024-12-10T00:00:04.420000+00:00 ├── * last_datetime: 2024-12-10T23:59:53.464000+00:00 ├── * num_rows: 93090 ├── /MJD [ days ] (93090,) │ └── * Modified Julian Date ├── /RID [ ] (93090,) │ └── * ARTIQ experiment run-ID ├── /cavity │ ├── /cavity/MJD [ days ] (15515,) │ └── /cavity/fcavity [ Hz ] (15515,) │ └── * Frequency of clocklaser cavity at 674nm relative to Sr+ linecenter ├── /driftcomp │ ├── /driftcomp/MJD [ days ] (8566,) │ │ └── * Modified Julian Date │ ├── /driftcomp/fdrift [ Hz ] (8566,) │ │ └── * Frequency of drift-compensation double-pass AOM │ ├── /driftcomp/fdriftI [ mHz/s ] (8566,) │ │ └── * Steering I-term │ └── /driftcomp/fdriftP [ mHz/s ] (8566,) │ └── * Steering P-term ├── /f_aom [ MHz ] (93090,) │ └── * Frequency of double-pass Zeeman-AOM ├── /n_blu [ ] (93090,) │ └── * Quantum jumps on blue side of transition ├── /n_blu2 [ ] (93090,) │ └── * Quantum jumps on blue side, 2nd detection window ├── /n_red [ ] (93090,) │ └── * Quantum jumps on red side of transition ├── /n_red2 [ ] (93090,) │ └── * Quantum jumps on red side, 2nd detection window ├── /servo_I [ Hz ] (93090,) │ └── * servo 2nd order correction to double-pass Zeeman-AOM ├── /servo_P [ Hz ] (93090,) │ └── * servo correction to double-pass Zeeman-AOM ├── /servo_index [ ] (93090,) │ └── * clockrun servo-cycle index └── /zeeman_component [ ] (93090,) └── * Zeeman component index ---- 60654_clockrun2.hdf5 ├── * created_on: 2024-12-11T01:10:24.455896 ├── * description: VTT MIKES Sr+ clock, processed clock run data ├── * first_datetime: 2024-12-10T00:00:04.420000+00:00 ├── * last_datetime: 2024-12-10T23:59:53.464000+00:00 ├── * num_rows: 15515 ├── /MJD [ days ] (15515,) │ └── * Modified Julian Date ├── /RID [ ] (15515,) │ └── * ARTIQ experiment run-ID ├── /cycle_duration [ s ] (15515,) │ └── * servo cycle duration ├── /dead_time [ s ] (15515,) │ └── * effective dead-time per shot ├── /dsum [ Hz ] (15515,) │ └── * Zeeman splitting checksum D4-2D2-D1 ├── /eqs_C1 [ Hz ] (15515,) │ └── * Electric Quadrupole Shift for 1st Zeeman component pair ├── /eqs_C2 [ Hz ] (15515,) │ └── * Electric Quadrupole Shift for 2nd Zeeman component pair ├── /eqs_C4 [ Hz ] (15515,) │ └── * Electric Quadrupole Shift for 4th Zeeman component pair ├── /eqs_slope [ Hz/(mj*mj) ] (15515,) │ └── * EQS slope ├── /error_code [ ] (15515,) │ └── * Error Code. 0 no error, 1 win2 dark, 2 previous win2 dark, 4 win1 no │ exc, 8 servo idx<10, 16 Dsum invalid ├── /g [ ] (15515,) │ └── * gS/gD ratio from Zeeman splittings ├── /line_center [ MHz ] (15515,) │ └── * Double-pass Zeeman AOM frequency corresponding to Sr+ line center ├── /s1 [ ] (15515,) │ └── * Excitation probability balance C1+/C1- ├── /s2 [ ] (15515,) │ └── * Excitation probability balance C2+/C2- ├── /s4 [ ] (15515,) │ └── * Excitation probability balance C4+/C4- └── /servo_index [ ] (15515,) └── * clockrun servo-cycle index ---- 60654_fion.hdf5 ├── * created_on: 2024-12-11T01:10:25.914408 ├── * description: Frequency of VTT MIKES 88Sr+ ion clock against Hydrogen maser │ AHM3 (BIPM 1404189) ├── * first_datetime: 2024-12-10T00:00:00.070000+00:00 ├── * last_datetime: 2024-12-10T23:59:59.072000+00:00 ├── * num_rows: 70562 ├── /error_code [ ] (70562,) │ └── * Error Code. 0 no error, 1 win2 dark, 2 previous win2 dark, 4 win1 no │ exc, 8 servo idx<10, 16 Dsum invalid ├── /fion │ ├── * R0: 444 779 044 095 486.3 Hz (BIPM 2021) │ ├── /fion/lambda [ Hz ] (70562,) │ │ └── * R-R0, from Lambda-counted comb downmixed reprate │ └── /fion/pi [ Hz ] (70562,) │ └── * R-R0, from Pi-counted comb downmixed reprate ├── /mjd [ days ] (70562,) │ └── * Modified Julian Date └── /shift ├── * description: Systematic frequency shifts, not applied to fion dataset ├── /shift/BBR [ Hz ] (70562,) │ └── * Black Body Radiation shift ├── /shift/GRS [ Hz ] () │ ├── * Gravitational Red Shift │ └── * uncertainty: 0.0010675 Hz └── /shift/QZ [ Hz ] (70562,) └── * Quadratic Zeeman shift ---- 60654_fion_pp.hdf5 ├── * created_on: 2024-12-11T01:10:40.427906 ├── * description: Frequency of VTT MIKES 88Sr+ ion clock against Hydrogen maser │ AHM3 (BIPM 1404189) ├── * first_datetime: 2024-12-10T00:00:00.070000+00:00 ├── * last_datetime: 2024-12-10T23:59:59.072000+00:00 ├── * num_rows: 70562 ├── /error_code [ ] (70562,) │ └── * Error Code. 0 no error, 1 win2 dark, 2 previous win2 dark, 4 win1 no │ exc, 8 servo idx<10, 16 Dsum invalid ├── /fion │ ├── * R0: 444 779 044 095 486.3 Hz (BIPM 2021) │ ├── /fion/lambda [ Hz ] (70562,) │ │ └── * R-R0, from Lambda-counted comb downmixed reprate │ └── /fion/pi [ Hz ] (70562,) │ └── * R-R0, from Pi-counted comb downmixed reprate ├── /mjd [ days ] (70562,) │ └── * Modified Julian Date └── /shift ├── * description: Systematic frequency shifts, not applied to fion dataset ├── /shift/BBR [ Hz ] (70562,) │ └── * Black Body Radiation shift ├── /shift/GRS [ Hz ] () │ ├── * Gravitational Red Shift │ └── * uncertainty: 0.0010675 Hz └── /shift/QZ [ Hz ] (70562,) └── * Quadratic Zeeman shift ---- 60654_pmt.hdf5 ├── * created_on: 2024-12-11T01:10:42.872927 ├── * description: VTT MIKES Sr+ clock PMT counts ├── * first_datetime: 2024-12-10T00:00:04.420000+00:00 ├── * last_datetime: 2024-12-10T23:59:53.464000+00:00 ├── * num_rows: 15515 ├── MJD ├── RID ├── servo_index ├── win1_blu ├── win1_red ├── win2_blu └── win2_red ---- 60654_pmtEO.hdf5 ├── * created_on: 2024-12-11T01:10:44.011170 ├── * description: VTT MIKES Sr+ clock PMT counts ├── * first_datetime: 2024-12-10T00:00:04.420000+00:00 ├── * last_datetime: 2024-12-10T23:59:53.464000+00:00 ├── * num_rows: 7027 ├── MJD ├── RID ├── servo_index ├── win1_blu ├── win1_red ├── win2_blu └── win2_red ---- 60654_sdr.hdf5 ├── * created_on: 2024-12-11T01:10:06.362353 ├── * description: VTT MIKES Sr+ clock frequency counter data. SDR counters. ├── * first_datetime: 2024-12-10T00:00:00.070078+00:00 ├── * last_datetime: 2024-12-10T23:59:59.072110+00:00 ├── * num_rows: 86400 ├── /A │ ├── /A/ch1 │ │ ├── /A/ch1/lambda [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ └── * │ │ ├── /A/ch1/omega │ │ │ ├── /A/ch1/omega/C [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ │ └── * │ │ │ ├── /A/ch1/omega/D [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ │ └── * │ │ │ ├── /A/ch1/omega/IF [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ │ └── * │ │ │ └── /A/ch1/omega/LO [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ └── * │ │ └── /A/ch1/pi [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ └── * │ ├── /A/ch2 │ │ ├── /A/ch2/lambda [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ └── * │ │ ├── /A/ch2/omega │ │ │ ├── /A/ch2/omega/C [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ │ └── * │ │ │ ├── /A/ch2/omega/D [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ │ └── * │ │ │ ├── /A/ch2/omega/IF [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ │ └── * │ │ │ └── /A/ch2/omega/LO [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ └── * │ │ └── /A/ch2/pi [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ └── * │ └── /A/mjd [ days ] (86400,) │ └── * Modified Julian Date ├── /B │ ├── /B/ch1 │ │ ├── /B/ch1/lambda [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ └── * │ │ ├── /B/ch1/omega │ │ │ ├── /B/ch1/omega/C [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ │ └── * │ │ │ ├── /B/ch1/omega/D [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ │ └── * │ │ │ ├── /B/ch1/omega/IF [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ │ └── * │ │ │ └── /B/ch1/omega/LO [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ └── * │ │ └── /B/ch1/pi [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ └── * │ ├── /B/ch2 │ │ ├── /B/ch2/lambda [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ └── * │ │ ├── /B/ch2/omega │ │ │ ├── /B/ch2/omega/C [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ │ └── * │ │ │ ├── /B/ch2/omega/D [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ │ └── * │ │ │ ├── /B/ch2/omega/IF [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ │ └── * │ │ │ └── /B/ch2/omega/LO [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ └── * │ │ └── /B/ch2/pi [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ └── * │ └── /B/mjd [ days ] (86400,) │ └── * Modified Julian Date └── /D ├── /D/ch1 │ ├── /D/ch1/lambda [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ └── * │ ├── /D/ch1/omega │ │ ├── /D/ch1/omega/C [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ └── * │ │ ├── /D/ch1/omega/D [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ └── * │ │ ├── /D/ch1/omega/IF [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ └── * │ │ └── /D/ch1/omega/LO [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ └── * │ └── /D/ch1/pi [ Hz ] (86400,) │ └── * ├── /D/ch2 │ ├── /D/ch2/lambda [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ └── * │ ├── /D/ch2/omega │ │ ├── /D/ch2/omega/C [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ └── * │ │ ├── /D/ch2/omega/D [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ └── * │ │ ├── /D/ch2/omega/IF [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ │ └── * │ │ └── /D/ch2/omega/LO [ Hz ] (86400,) │ │ └── * │ └── /D/ch2/pi [ Hz ] (86400,) │ └── * └── /D/mjd [ days ] (86400,) └── * Modified Julian Date ----