PTBM travelling receiver visit to VTT 2023. Measurements started 2023-08-22, first full day of data 2023-08-23 (DOY 235) Reference delay from UTC(MIKE) to PTBM is 8.247 ns. ITRF20 (2023.6) coordinates from CSRS-PPP for DOY 235 (NRCan Ultra-rapid products) Note Unknown antenna type, no APC-ARP correction N 60° 10' 49.13107" (0.003m) E 24° 49' 35.24024" (0.002m) Ell. Height 56.660(8) m -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PTBM travelling receiver visit to VTT 2019-2020. Measurements started 2019-12-16 DOY=350. 2019 data DOY 350 - 365 2020 data DOY 001 - 006 Reference delay from UTC(MIKE) is +5.085(21) ns. Not including SMA-to-BNC adapter. UTC(MIKE)-referenced 10MHz 2.81 Vpp into 50 Ohm. 1PPS level 3.49V into 50R, rise-time 1.49 ns. Cal_ID 1016-2019