Below are summaries of CSRS-PPP SPARK (2.26.1) processing runs. ( Input files: RINEX v3.03 RINEX v2.11 The reported heights differ by 0.1 m, probably due to the ANT # / TYPE record being present in RINEX 2.11, and absent in RINEX 3.03. --------------------- RINEX 3.03 (Unknown antenna type) The estimated coordinates ITRF14 2019-11-18 for the MI053220_V3.19o RINEX file are as follows: Latitude N60° 10' 49.3145" ± 0.003 m (95%) Longitude E24° 49' 35.4380" ± 0.004 m (95%) Ellipsoidal Height 60.261 m ± 0.009 m (95%) [60.18036513,24.82651056,60.261] UTM Zone 35 (North) Northing 6673482.553 m Easting 379442.914 m Scale factor (point) 0.999778 Scale factor (combined) 0.999769 [6673482.553,379442.914,60.261] Cartesian coordinates X 2885857.004 ± 0.005 m (95%) Y 1335073.850 ± 0.005 m (95%) Z 5510549.591 ± 0.008 m (95%) [2885857.004,1335073.850,5510549.591] Orbits and Clocks Used: NRCan Ultra-rapid GNSS Data: GPS & GLONASS GRS80 ellipsoid used for (x,y,z) to (lat,lon,h) transformation ------------------------------------ RINEX 2.11 (with antenna type) The estimated coordinates ITRF14 2019-11-18 for the MI053220.19o RINEX file are as follows: Latitude N60° 10' 49.3144" ± 0.004 m (95%) Longitude E24° 49' 35.4377" ± 0.005 m (95%) Ellipsoidal Height 60.162 m ± 0.011 m (95%) [60.18036512,24.82651048,60.162] UTM Zone 35 (North) Northing 6673482.552 m Easting 379442.910 m Scale factor (point) 0.999778 Scale factor (combined) 0.999769 [6673482.552,379442.910,60.162] Cartesian coordinates X 2885856.962 ± 0.006 m (95%) Y 1335073.826 ± 0.006 m (95%) Z 5510549.505 ± 0.009 m (95%) [2885856.962,1335073.826,5510549.505] Orbits and Clocks Used: NRCan Ultra-rapid GNSS Data: GPS & GLONASS GRS80 ellipsoid used for (x,y,z) to (lat,lon,h) transformation