--------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADIAN GEODETIC SURVEY, SURVEYOR GENERAL BRANCH, NATURAL RESOURCES CANADA GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, 588 BOOTH STREET ROOM 334, OTTAWA ONTARIO K1A 0Y7 Phone: 343-292-6617 Email: nrcan.geodeticinformationservices.rncan@canada.ca --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** ~~~ Disclaimer ~~~ Natural Resources Canada does not assume any liability deemed to have been caused directly or indirectly by any content of its CSRS-PPP positioning service. ************************************************************************** **************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************************** * -- This file describes the contents of CSRS-PPP outputs. * * * * 1- SUM file : contains the parameters and the results of the PPP * * processing. * * * * 2- POS file : contains the positioning information for each epoch * * processed. * * * * 3- CSV file : A comma separated (.csv) format text file containing * * the positioning and clock information for each epoch * * processed. * * * * Note: For more CSRS-PPP documentation and for PDF report description * * please visit: https://webapp.geod.nrcan.gc.ca/geod/tools-outils/ppp.php * **********************************************************************************/ /*********************** 1- SUM file description ***********************/ HDR Header VER Software version NOW UTC time at which the data set was processed RNX Name of RINEX file processed MOD Processing mode: static or kinematic BEG Beginning of processed data in RINEX file END End of processed data in RINEX file INT Interval of data processing EPO #epochs processed #epochs tried to be processed #epochs expected in the RINEX file in the time interval EXE Processing time OBS Observables processed for each system PAR Parameters estimated in the PPP filter TYPE Type of parameter SYS GNSS for which this parameter applies (blank means all GNSS) SIG Signal for which this parameter applies (blank means all GNSS) SAT Satellite for which this parameter applies (ALL means all satellites for this GNSS and signal) INIT Initial constraint put on the parameter in the PPP filter NOISE Process noise put on the parameter in the PPP filter SP3 SP3 (precise satellite orbits) files CLK CLK (precise satellite clocks) files ERP ERP (Earth rotation parameters) files ATX ANTEX (phase-center corrections) file DCB Differential code bias (DCB) or Bias SINEX files GIM Global Ionospheric Map (GIM) files VMF Vienna Mapping Function 1 (VMF1) grid files (tropospheric correction) ELV Elevation mask (degrees) TZD A priori tropospheric model applied REC Receiver type (as read from the RINEX file) ANT Antenna type (as read from the RINEX file) ARP Antenna reference point (north, east, up) (as read from the RINEX file) PCO Phase center offsets for the user antenna for each frequency (as read from the ANTEX file) OTL Ocean Tide Loading coefficients YAW Periods where satellites are in eclipse: PRN START_TIME END_TIME TYPE_OF_ECLIPSE BETA_ANGLE SATELLITE_TYPE IAR Integer Ambiguity Resolution: percentage of ambiguities fixed AVF A posteriori Variance Factor used to scale the covariance matrix APR Source of the a priori coordinates ELL Ellipsoid used for (x,y,z) to (lat,lon,h) transformation POS Information on the a priori and estimated coordinates CRD Coordinate type SYST Reference system EPOCH Epoch of the coordinates A_PRIORI A priori coordinates ESTIMATED* Estimated coordinates DIFF* Differences (m) between the estimated and a priori coordinates SIGMA* Standard deviation (95%) (m) of the estimated coordinates CORRELATIONS* Correlations matrix of the estimated coordinates PRJ UTM* and MTM** projections OHT Orthometric height*** VLM Velocity model used for epoch transformation OFF Receiver clock offset at the last epoch and its standard deviation DRI Approximate clock drift (ns/day) RES Root-mean-square of the residuals for each signal, and classification per elevation (ELV) FLG Additional information on each satellite PRN Satellite PRN EPO Number of epochs where the satellite is used in the PPP solution TRK Number of epochs where the satellite is rejected due to missing observations (tracking issues) CLK Number of epochs where the satellite is rejected due to missing satellite clock corrections EPH Number of epochs where the satellite is rejected due to missing ephemeris (orbit) corrections ELV Number of epochs where the satellite is rejected due to elevation angle below cutoff angle YAW Number of epochs where the satellite is rejected due to satellite yaw manoeuver (eclipse) DCB Number of epochs where an observation is rejected due to missing DCB corrections SLP Number of cycle slips detected MIS Number of epochs where an observation is rejected due to blunders detected in the misclosure vector RES Number of epochs where an observation is rejected due to a large residual (*) Only for Static mode (**) Only for Static if user selects NAD83(CSRS) as the reference frame and the estimated position is in Canada (***) Only for Static if the estimated position is within in the Geoid model /*********************** 2- POS file description ***********************/ DIR Processing Direction: FWD : Forward BWD : Backward smoothed SCA : final estimated position with scaled sigmas (Only for Static mode) FRAME Reference Frame STN Station name DAYofYEAR DAY of YEAR YEAR-MM-DD Observation Date HR:MN:SS.SS Observation Time NSV Number of satellite GDOP Geometric Dilution of Precision RMSC(m) stds/RMS of Carrier Phase residuals RMSP(m) stds/RMS of Pseudo-Range residuals DLAT(m) Difference between estimated and a priori positions- North dir. DLON(m) Difference between estimated and a priori positions- East dir. DHGT(m) Difference between estimated and a priori positions- Up dir. CLK(ns) Clock offset TZD(m) Estimated Total Zenith Delay for each epoch SDLAT(95%) Standard deviation(95%) of estimated positions - North dir. SDLON(95%) Standard deviation(95%) of estimated positions - East dir. SDHGT(95%) Standard deviation(95%) of estimated positions - UP dir. SDCLK(95%) Standard deviation(95%) of clock offset SDTZD(95%) Formal uncertainty (sigma 95%) of the estimated Total Zenith Delay LATDD Estimated Position - Latitude Degrees LATMN Estimated Position - Latitude Minutes LATSS Estimated Position - Latitude Seconds LONDD Estimated Position - Longitude Degrees LONMN Estimated Position - Longitude Minutes LONSS Estimated Position - Longitude Seconds HGT(m) Estimated Position - Ellipsoidal Height UTMZONE* Estimated Position - UTM Zone UTM_EASTING* Estimated Position - UTM Easting UTM_NORTHING* Estimated Position - UTM Northing UTM_SCLPNT* Estimated Position - UTM Scale UTM_SCLCBN* Estimated Position - UTM Combined Scale MTMZONE** Estimated Position - MTM Zone MTM_EASTING** Estimated Position - MTM Easting MTM_NORTHING** Estimated Position - MTM Northing MTM_SCLPNT** Estimated Position - MTM Scale MTM_SCLCBN** Estimated Position - MTM Combined Scale ORTHGT(m)*** Estimated orthometric Height (*) Only for Kinematic mode (**) Only for Kinematic if user selects NAD83(CSRS) as the reference frame and all positions is in Canada (***) Only for Kinematic if all positions within the Geoid model /*********************** 3- CSV file description ***********************/ latitude_decimal_degree longitude_decimal_degree ellipsoidal_height_m decimal_hour day_of_year year ortho_height_m_CGVD?? : Orthometric height (only for kinematic mode if all positions within the Geoid model) rcvr_clk_ns : receiver clock offset (ns)