Information about VTT MIKES time-transfer receiver MI04 Receiver (MIKES009375): Dicom GTR51, S/N 1403001 - Purchased 05.05.2014 - Software rev 1.2.6 Antenna: NOV703GGG, NEG1405022, P/N 01018145 Type: NOV703GGG.R2 Antenna cable delays (printed on cable) - cable1: 21.5 ns - cable2: 193.9 ns - total = cable1+cable2 = 215.4 ns (CAB_DLY) - REFDLY 8.579 ns -------------------------------- Current Cal_ID: 1019-2023, in use after 2023-11-29 (MJD 60277) Summary Report INT DLY(P1) -39.2 ns (u_cal 1.0 ns) INT DLY(P2) -38.7 ns (u_cal 1.0 ns) CAB_DLY 215.4 ns REF_DLY 8.6 ns -------------------------------- Data Output RINEX CGGTTS Older archived notes: -------------------------------- BIPM Technical Memorandum TM.281 (21 August 2018) MI04 coordinates X = 2885858.27 Y = 1335075.79 Z = 5510548.53 -------------------------------- Old Cal_ID: 1016-2019 (not used after 2023-11-29) INT DLY(L1C) -34.36 ns (u_cal_L1C 1.04 ns) INT DLY(P1) -38.99 ns (u_cal_P1 1.02 ns) INT DLY(P2) -38.94 ns (u_cal_P2 1.04 ns) CAB_DLY 215.4 ns REF_DLY 8.6 ns -------------------------------- Old Cal_ID: 1102-2015 INT DLY(P1) -37.9 ns (u_cal 4.0 ns) INT DLY(P2) -37.7 ns (u_cal 4.0 ns) CAB_DLY 216.4 ns REF_DLY 34.1 ns -------------------------------- CSRS-PPP SPARK (2.26.1) summary: (run on 2019-11-19) Input: The estimated coordinates ITRF14 2019-11-18 for the MI043220.19D RINEX file are as follows: Latitude N60° 10' 49.2427" ± 0.003 m (95%) Longitude E24° 49' 35.5194" ± 0.005 m (95%) Ellipsoidal Height 60.249 m ± 0.010 m (95%) [60.18034521,24.82653318,60.249] UTM Zone 35 (North) Northing 6673480.294 m Easting 379444.095 m Scale factor (point) 0.999778 Scale factor (combined) 0.999769 [6673480.294,379444.095,60.249] Cartesian coordinates X 2885858.219 ± 0.005 m (95%) Y 1335075.795 ± 0.005 m (95%) Z 5510548.477 ± 0.009 m (95%) [2885858.219,1335075.795,5510548.477] Orbits and Clocks Used: NRCan Ultra-rapid GNSS Data: GPS & GLONASS GRS80 ellipsoid used for (x,y,z) to (lat,lon,h) transformation --------------------------------------------------------------